Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I've Been Double Teamed!

Two wonderful people have tagged me in a little-known award service called the Liebster Blog Award
My new friends wrote:

Congratulations. I named you for a Liebster Blog award--if you care to, you can read the designation here:A favor paid forward with the Liebster Blog Award. Nice job, nice blog and nice offer to train someone. --AOA

Hi! I found you via Country Tea at Girls With Guns. I've enjoyed reading your posts and have an award for you at my blog.
I just want to first say thank you, thank you, thank you. Not only to AOA and The Gun Divas, but also to all of you who have suppoerted me, beleived in me, and encouraged me to become That Texas Lady!!

The Rules of the award are as follows:

1. Copy and paste the award on our blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who gave us the award
3. Pick our five favorite blogs with less than 200 followers, and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
4. Hope that the five ten (I got the award twice) blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs.

So here are my choices (in no particular order and P.S. this is hard, all my faves have already been given the award):

It's not a gun blog, or even slightly related to guns, but she DID take the pics of me for my gun blog, AND she's my "person" so I have to award this to her amazing photography and random information blog over at Jocelyn In Texas.

My dear friend, Julianna, The Glock Girl and one of the founders of A Girl and A Gun Club, LLC.

My new friend, Mrs. Groundhog's hubby Mr. Groundhog

A really neat blog at God, Gals, Guns, Grub

A brand new blog and founder of National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day Female and Armed

Another new friend, Bullseye Babe

Cathi at Rounds and Roses

Not really about guns, but more about All Thing Texas

My Alaskan friend AKGrrrl

And my very political friend Lipstick, Leather and Lead

Phew, passed on some serious love there! Thank you all for loving on me! I really do appreciate you!!

Be safe, be strong, and remember YOU ARE WORTH IT!!


  1. Goodness... I'm humbled by your award and mentioning of my blog... a hat tip and thank you...

    Dann in Ohio

  2. Wow...I had no idea you had even looked at my blog, thank you soo....much!

  3. Thank you so much!!

  4. I just realized I am on your love list :0) Yea! Thanks so much for the honor. I am thrilled to be part of such an awesome group!

  5. Right back atcha with the Liebster (on my blog)! Keep on doing what you do best!
