Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Storms In Life

You know, we carry a firearm for protection but there are some things that it can't protect us from. It can't protect us from heartache. It can't protect us from letting go of loved ones who have lived full, amazing lives and are being called Home.

Today I wish I could ease the pain of my children. Their grandmother is on her way Home. She only has a few days left on this planet and their "goodbye" with her was unfulfilling since the stroke took her consciousness, so they were not able to have that last conversation with her.

As a mother, I want to always protect them but some things just have to be felt and grown through. I want to take their pain and shield them from all of the hurts. That, though, would be an injustice. Life will make them who they are going to be through these trials - as well as their triumphs.

So my sweet daughter and darling son, I love, love, love you. I am so very proud of the people you are becoming. While I would love to take away the pain that you are feeling, instead I will help you to process and work through it. I will give you tools to grow and learn. I will make memories with you. I will guide and direct you. I will cry with you. I will dance with you. I will be here. As it says in our favorite book right now "Pain demands to be felt," and I will feel it with you, even if it isn't my pain. You are part of me and your pain IS my pain. I may not be able to stop the storms in this life from coming, but my sweet loves, I promise to walk with you through the rain. I love you.

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