Monday, September 2, 2013

Keeping it Sacred or Getting It Back, Just One Drop

I am a very blessed woman. I have an amazing man. We have been through hell and back in our short marriage, but I promise, there's not one person on this whole planet that I'd rather walk through hell with. That's a fact.

I hear trucker's wives talk about how they are afraid of their man cheating, or how they can't trust him, or how he has done this or that or whatever. Oh. My. Goodness. I guess I have my Grandma and Papa to thank for my view that marriage should be forever, no matter what it takes. Grandma died many years after Papa, still signing her name Mrs. with his initials and last name. Am I saying that you should stay if he cheats while out on the road, heavens no, only you can decide that. I just have chosen to do what it takes to make sure my marriage is strong and healthy. I can't control what he does when he's not here. Heck, I can't control what he does when he is here. I can; however, choose to control me. I choose to treat him respectfully, uplift him and pray for him daily. I choose to be the wife that God created me to be. When I make mistakes, I do my best to learn from them and go on. When he makes mistakes, I do my best to do the same. I don't know how I would handle infidelity, and I pray I never have to. I choose to be faithful, honest and true. I know that goes a long way.

My husband is my hero, my soul mate, my very best friend. The 6 months we were separated were the longest, most painful days of my entire life. I did what I had to do, I prayed for that man every single day. I prayed that God would show me where I had done wrong and compel my heart to change. I prayed that God would heal both of our pain and allow us to grow in Him and in each other. I prayed that God would make him happy, no matter what that meant.  I never once took my ring off, I tried once because he told me to, but that didn't even last an hour, it was wrong and I knew it. I never flirted with another man. I never acted single. And I never, EVER, gave up hope.

This video from Plumb helped me through some of those dark nights. It still picks me up on days when I miss him.

But now, he's home - well, when he's home, he's home - but when he's out on the road we do things to keep our marriage sacred and strong. We write notes, we send videos, pictures and cute texts to one another. We both love music so sending videos is a great way for us to uplift one another. He reminds me every day that he loves me and wants me and I do the same for him. We talk about what is most important, and about silly things that don't matter to anyone at all. We do our best not to argue, fight, or jump to conclusions. We communicate and build one another up. We read together and pray together. Above all, we do our best to respect one another.

I pray that no matter who you are, that you have someone amazing in your life that you can share it with. If things are hard, I pray that God will bring healing. It only takes one drop. If I can pray for you or with you, if I can help you in some way to find that one drop, please let me know. If you don't want to post a comment, drop me an email,