Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Birthday Blessing

Today is my birthday. Not a huge birthday, only 38. The year before my last birthday. Ever. I am not the least bit thrilled about turning 40 in a couple of years. It's very strange for me. As I sit and watch Gilmore Girls with my daughter, I could easily be back in high school watching the same episodes with my bestie. Sigh, instead I text her about my daughter's love for our favorite show.

But last night I got some amazing gifts. A birdcage full of yellow daisies (any Gilmore Girl fan will understand the symbolism there) and a nice picture frame and some ribbon from my son. The most awesome so far, though, was a phone call from an old friend. My friend "K" and I have been friends for about 10 years. We shared a common thread as mothers when we met so long ago and I have been praying for her every day since then.

She sent an email asking me to call her as she has done many times in the past. I rush to my phone and dial the numbers. Finally, after all of this time, a blessed prayer was answered. Not only that, but she chose to share it with me. It was a wonderful, beautiful, amazing gift she gave me. I know she reads my blog so, my dear friend: I love you and I am so very happy for you!

No matter what your situations, moms, pray for your babies. It's the best thing we can do for them.

One more thing. A St. Patrick's Day public service announcement from my friends at Grammarly.com:

That is all. Except: Have a wonderful St. Paddy's Day, friends. I'm so glad you're here!

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