Thursday, June 5, 2014

What's The Difference In Scars?

If I had been burned and had scars on my neck, you wouldn't be able to use that as basis for not giving me a job. Sometimes, however, in the professional world a scar CAN be used against you.

What is a tattoo? By definition, it is to "mark (a person or a part of the body) with an indelible design by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin." Yes, it was done on purpose, but it does not affect my ability to be an excellent administrative assistant, to act in a professional manner, or to totally rock any job that I put my mind to. 

I was furious recently when I was talking to a woman at the dog park when she offered,"I think Hot Topic is hiring at the mall, I'm sure they would hire you, with your tattoos." Wow. Really?

My tattoos are part of me. Some are important: the "medic alert" tattoo on my left arm, the bee and daisy to remind me to "be still and know He is God", and the shamrock on my ankle reminding me that we create our own luck. Some, I wish I hadn't gotten, but have taught important lessons. Sure, if I could I would have a few of them removed, but the point is, without a job that's not possible. 

I guess my request for my readers today is simple: don't judge someone by the scars on their body, whether they are accidental, natural, or self imposed. They may be an important lesson stemming from a dark place in different than a scar on a girl's wrist from an attempted suicide. They may be a reminder of a past life, changed for the better...similar to a surgery scar from a bad choice made as a child. They may be a reminder for safety...the exact same thing as a medical alert bracelet or medallion. See that person for who they are, not what they look like, what they wear, or the color or marks on their skin. 

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