Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What Holster Can Go From a Workout to a Night Out??

 Well, The Marilyn, of course

The Marilyn is just my favorite holster right now, and this is one of the reasons why. No matter what I am wearing or where I am going, this holster is safe and comfortable!!! Check it out at


  1. I've considered this one but haven't had a chance to look at it directly, I know there is a store in the next town that has it. I'm curious, in your opinion, do you think the Marilyn will work for smaller breasted girls?


  2. Thank you for the Photo demo.

    I carry a SR9C not sure if that would work for that size of a weapon. May I know what you are using in that holster.

  3. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Thank you for not only this great post about using the Marilyn holster but just for your site. I have been near tears since sitting down and looking it over and I so appreciate the Biblical view points and the straight talk you give. It is a blessing.

  4. Good pictures and good post. Thanks for putting this out there!

  5. I was planning on asking a question but it's already been asked. I'm thinking about buying a gun to fit this holster but I really would like more feed back.
