Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Panhandle Ladies: Listen up!

I have been talking with The Glock Girl from A Girl and A Gun Women's Shooting League and Women's Safety Academy out of Austin. She is talking about bringing an extension of the club here as well as a WARRIOR Seminar, Firearms class and non-firearms class.

Would you be interested in joining the shooting league with: "Girl's Night Out" at the Shooting Range, Special Fun Shoot Events, and Competitive Shooting Teams and/or taking the classes? This sweet woman would be coming from the Austin area to do the classes so we want to make sure we have a good group of ladies. Please let me know if you would be interested? Either drop a comment here or send me an email.

Have a great day!


  1. Awesome Diane, we will be getting started in September to allow for summer vacations to get finished, school to start and stuff like that. Looks like we'll probably be having Girl's Night Out twice a month on Thursday night.

    Keep an eye out here and on our Facebook page for updates.

  2. My apologies if I have missed this information before. I just read your article in the Amarillo Globe News. Is there some sort of registration form or an additional information site regarding the meetings starting in September? I would like to be included. Thanks!

  3. No apologies needed, I am writing a blog post now with more information. For Girl's Night Out, you will simply need to show up at the Amarillo Shooting Complex at 6pm (or whenever you can get there) on September 8th. Also, it would be helpful if you could join and RSVP on
